Techmode Outsourcing Ltd

The ease of opening a business in Mauritius

The ease of opening a business in Mauritius

Opening a business in Mauritius is very easy. The procedure is very straightforward and efficient. The government has smartly established a business- friendly environment promoting investment and growth. Below is a list of the required steps for opening a business in Mauritius.

  1. Visa
    In line with its policy of opening up the country frontiers to foreigners, visitors should fulfill the following requirements:
  1. Opening a business in Mauritius

The incorporation and registration of a company in Mauritius are governed under the provisions of the Companies Act 2001 and those of the Business Registration Act 2002. Every business activity in the country should be registered at the Registrar of Companies.

Each company is categorized based on its structure, nature and type. It is of utmost importance to have a solid knowledge of your business industry before deciding to invest in Mauritius. A company incorporated in Mauritius can be 100% owned by foreigners with no minimum capital. However, an individual wishing to start a business as a self-employed will have to register only his business activity. For additional information, please visit the website of the Financial Services Commission.

  1. Develop your business
    The Mauritian Government has a series of business development programs to assist entrepreneurs in their business activities and growth:

4.Mauritian Tax System
Mauritius is a low-tax jurisdiction within an investor-friendly environment which remains a powerful argument in encouraging local and foreign for opening a business in Mauritius:
Corporate tax:15%
Income tax (personal tax): 15%
Value-Added Tax (VAT): 15%
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR tax): 2% on book profits
Land Transfer tax: 5%

5.The cost of doing business in Mauritius

As it should be the case for any type of business structure, it is vital to understand and consider the cost of doing business in Mauritius (salaries, rent and overhead costs).

For more detailed information about the costs, click on the following link:


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