21st MAY 2015
OUTSOURCING SALESFORCE, essential for future companies?
The French entrepreneurship always favors in-house salesforce whereas 80% of Anglo-saxon companies have at least once outsources more than 75 % of their salesforce and marketing. So why are the French hesitant?
Mainly for two reasons:
1) Lack of control
2) Follow and feedback issues
Telemarketing has proven long ago to its haters its effectiveness. Telemarketing gives the opportunity to companies using it to create a wider networking, to generate quality leads and to have a significant increase in gross profit. For many years now, technology has brought a new edge to long distance tailor made sales. Offshore services offer a higher quality of service with high speed connectivity. Advanced Outsourcing salesforce in the United States proved this operational model a profit maker on mid and long term goals.
But of course, Outsourcing salesforce requires a strategic set up to avoid bad surprises. Designing of a structure, KPIS and clear goals are essential to the good running of the outsourced salesforce operations. Barriers to profit have also to be taken into accounts.
The best service providers in outsourcing salesforce have a long time established flow of work system design. Generally, they do have honed and validated methods over the years, a high standard information system set up and a high quality labor force.
This is what French entrepreneurs need as guarantee.
Sales and communication
In the modern BtoB commercial world, sales and communication are bound. Ground sales (never to be underrated) help to collect crucial data to design the perfect sales strategy for the sales tele agent. This information will help the service provider in its recruiting process and its personalized sales pitch.
The service provider’s responsibility.
To reduce the gap between anglo-saxon and French companies, it is the service provider’s responsibility to promote the advantages of a quality outsourcing salesforce on a multichannel distribution to French CEO’s and French sales managers.
Outsourcing salesforce in Mauritius
At Techmode Outsourcing Ltd., our teams integrate the customer management processes. We truly act as internal stakeholders with the same level of requirements. We welcome end customers on the phone, process their orders and may also collect their needs to ensure effective monitoring and to increase sales. We also provide expertise and advice on marketing operations to expand sales volumes of our clients. You will be right to have an outsourced sales force with professional sales services
We offer:
Multichannel management of incoming & outgoing calls
Mails and letters Customer Services
Telephone surveys
Entering questionnaires
Targeting, qualification files
Making appointments
Sales planning management
Marketing campaign
Want to know more? Visit our website www.techmode-outsourcing.com for more details in the « Services » tab or contact us on spariente@techmode-outsourcing.com