Techmode Outsourcing Ltd

E-marketing Forum 2016

E-marketing Forum 2016

Short nights, publications, researches, news, SEO, SEM, forums, comments, photos, videos, hashtag…You talk about all these words? If yes, stop searching, you are an avid of digital marketing, but the term is more commonly used as E-marketing. In this modern world, running a marketing department in a company without a connected digital branch is considered as madness.

Whether we want it or not, digitalization is an integral part of our lives. The big scholars of marketing evolved with the system thus allowing the creation of new posts which did not exist ten years ago. Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, blogs, mobile Apps and others are those that dominate the market the most. And the drivers of this platform that is Google and Apple (the most popular) are constantly in an endless tussle in every update of its operating system. The technology industry evolves so fast that the marketers should keep a close watch in order not to miss anything in the competition. For example, to get acquainted of the E- marketing network is ultimate.

A very great solution is to visit or participate in the E- marketing forum 2016.The E-marketing 2016 forum: 212 brands and several sectors of E- marketing are present there, for example:

There are also several conferences for instance:DATA VERSUS CONTENT : QUI VA GAGNER ? Without forgeting several big brands of E-marketing such as Marketo,Le journal du Net , L’entreprise connecté etc are also present.

Thus, future E- marketers, acquaint yourself about all what is happening around you on the platform, you will need it to stay in the race.

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