20 MAY 2015
Outsourcing against cloud… That is the question!
In 2015, no company can bypass information systems. A lot of companies turned to outsourcing by migrating more than a third of their services to focus on their core business and to reduce costs by 30 to 40 percent. And now with advanced technologies, like cloud computing, automation of these said information systems is possible. Does that mean that cloud computing could be the end of the outsourcing industry?
A progress of 7% in the outsourcing market yearly.
This progression of 7 % proves that the outsourcing industry is still in growth to date and this was possible with the help of latest technologies in 2014 as recorded in the EMEA zone (Europe/Middle East/Africa).
Outsourcing and relocation of services.
In the last decade, cloud computing opened broader perspectives to the outsourcing industry. This brought a major decrease in costs by keeping a high level of quality.
In the end, we note that cloud computing is more an important add-on to effective outsourcing… Financial services are managed by high end information systems with unbreakable security. Other sectors also follow the trend et we could see in a near future a whole industry specially conceived for outsourcing.
So the debate is not really about outsourcing against cloud. But we do have to be careful about the direction leading towards automation as artificial intelligence could become a threat to this industry if the human element is bypassed to reduce costs. But fortunately technology is not yet at that level; at least it is not commercially viable. But big corporations like Facebook and google have more than a half of their services handled by automated scripts called robots.txt. we will talk about it in another article.
Cloud computing is now in its most striking moment for consequent number of industries, and it is essential for businesses to consider a restructuring for part of their operations through cloud partnering with a service partner to develop and optimize their products or services.
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