Adobe Summit: Do you prefer personal online shopping experience?
Adobe Summit: Do you prefer personal online shopping experience?
Read more “Adobe Summit: Do you prefer personal online shopping experience?”
Read more “Adobe Summit: Do you prefer personal online shopping experience?” →
Attention to all businesses: customer service is no longer a 9-to-5 job. Today, the business world runs on a 24hr – 365-day clock. There is no excuse for not giving customer service at any time. Customers, who have had bad experience with businesses do not necessarily have to come in, physically write a complaint or call in. They can go to Facebook and comment on the company’s page or tweet up their dislikes. Read more “The importance of 24/7” →
There are many strategies to help you deliver amazing customer service, and one of the most powerful ones is quick response.Quick response is a derivative of speed. Customers want it fast. Customers want it now. They are impatient and do not want to wait. Read more “The FAST and the SERVICE” →
Boot-strapping, meaning starting a business with an idea, passion and not much is more a necessity than a badge of honor for many entrepreneurs. There is a real awareness that lack of cash has killed many small businesses. Read more “Way for small business owners to wealth” →
Sometimes, you jump out of the gate with a great idea that you can polish and run with. Everything’s going well — until you get hit with a failure. Failure punches you in the gut, leaving you with throbbing wounds and the inability to do anything but moan about what might have been. Read more “People Who Became Wildly Successful After Facing Rejection” →
Working with the wrong outsourcing provider is at the root of many problems that we observe in outsourcing. Sometimes, it’s not the problem that creates an outsourcing disaster; it is the outsourcing provider inability to correct it. Read more “Consequence of not choosing the right outsourcing provider” →
Millennial 20/20 Summit will take place at Victoria House in London on 13th-14th April 2016. The guest will be greeted by the first ever humanoid robot called Pepper. The robot is capable of recognizing human emotions and adapting its behavior to the mood of its interlocutor and will also be making an appearance on stage. Read more “What’s innovative at Millennial 20/20 Summit this year?” →
According to researchers, intellectual property thieves could steal sensitive product designs by recording the sounds made by 3D printers when manufacturing them. Read more “3D printers sounds enable thieves to steal product’s designs” →
The level of branding has gone a step ahead. Have you ever thought cat videos and spoofing could be beneficial for branding? There is something about a cat causing mayhem in a video that draws in our attention, transfixes us to a screen, has us in stitches of laughter and before we know it we are sharing it with all our friends and family. Read more “Cat videos and spoofing proving beneficial for branding” →
Avast’s researchers set up networks near the MWC registration booth at Barcelona Airport and found that many attendees took the risk of being spied by cyber criminals.The WiFi networks’ names were “Starbucks”, “Airport_Free_Wifi_AENA” and “MWC Free WiFi”, which are all expected or common SSIDs for public networks. Read more “WiFi experiment catches out ‘reckless’ MWC attendees” →