Why Mauritius, the star and key of the Indian Ocean for business?
With its rich history and a mix of various cultural traditions, Mauritius is a privileged country to live. An attractive and thriving place for business with an incomparable art de vivre, Mauritius is home to the citizen of the world.
Right partnerships between foreign capital and local businesses have resulted in outstanding economic success. The opening up of the economy has had a favorable impact on the growth rate of the country with increased transfer of technology, knowledge, talents and capital.
In its pursuit to become a high-income economy, Mauritius is actively encouraging foreign talents, know-how and investment into the country. Whether you are an investor, a professional, a self-employed or a retired non-citizen, there are a number of compelling reasons to consider Mauritius as your location for doing business and living.
Foreign nationals wishing to work, live or retire in Mauritius may explore various avenues either through the Occupation Permit, the Residence Permit or the Permanent Residence Permit.
Mauritius has the most enabling and appealing business environment in Africa, ensures the rule of law enforced by an independent judiciary with laws from the French Code Civil and the British legal system as well as laws enacted by our own Parliament, has strong public and private supporting and collaborative institutions, and a working democracy with a free press, the people born, raised and living in Mauritius are the main reasons for your doing business in Mauritius. They make things happen welcome heartedly foreigners to come to work live and play in the country that Mark Twain was quoted saying following his visit in 1896: “Mauritius was created first, and then heaven; and that heaven was copied after Mauritius”. Today, the country is developing a sustainable economic model that respects both each individual human being and the environment. Yes we want you to make profit; for without profit these two previously mentioned goals couldn’t be reached. We call this conscious capitalism.
TECHMODE is present in Mauritius and in the region since 2007, The Company is equipped with technology, resources, tools and methods honed and validated during its years of experience.
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