Mauritius maintains its 1st place in Ease of doing business in Africa
The ease of doing business index is an index created by the World Bank Group. Higher rankings indicate better regulations for businesses and better protections of property rights. Empirical research funded by the World Bank to justify their work show that the economic growth impact of improving these regulations is optimal.
“Empirical research is needed to establish the optimal level of business regulation—for example, what the duration of court procedures should be and what the optimal degree of social protection is, the role of minimum capital requirements in starting a business; the inspections of risks in dealing with construction permits; the cost structure in getting electricity; single window systems in trading across borders; e-filing and e-payment in paying taxes; and e-courts in enforcing contracts. The indicators compiled in the Doing Business project allow such research to take place.e.
The Ease of Doing Business in Mauritius.
Developing economies quickened the pace of their business reforms during the last 12 months to make things easier for local businesses to start and operate, according to the World Bank.
Mauritius once again ranks best in the sub-Saharan economies, with an overall global ranking of 49. Mauritius performs best in the areas of Protecting Minority Investors and Dealing with the Construction Permits, with a rank of 32 and 33 respectively, on those indicators. For example, it takes 156 days to complete the permitting processes for simple constructions.
This is compared to 183 days in France and 222 day in Austria.
The country was ranked at the same position as last year; the report states that “many African governments may look to Mauritius as a source of good practices to inspire regulatory reforms in their own countries”. Mauritius has improved on the ease of ‘getting credit’, ‘enforcing contracts’ and ‘resolving insolvencies’ and the overall score of the country has improved.
Ease of doing business Ease of doing business Ease of doing business Ease of doing business